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Transformation Advisory Board Bavaria is constituted


Regensburg's economic advisor Prof. Dr. Georg Stephan Barfuß is a member

The newly elected Bavarian Transformation Advisory Board with Chairman Hubert Aiwanger. (Photo: Bayern Innovativ GmbH)

On July 10, 2023, the inaugural meeting of the Bavarian Transformation Advisory Board took place at the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy in Munich. At the same time, Minister of State Hubert Aiwanger was elected Chairman of the committee. The independent body advises the five Bavarian transformation networks, which are funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. In the Regensburg region, the two clusters "Mobility & Logistics" and "Sensor Technology" are responsible for setting up the "transform.r" transformation network. The aim: to secure skilled workers in the vehicle industry.

"I am delighted to be part of these forward-looking transformation projects. I was impressed by the activities and approaches presented," said Minister of State Aiwanger. "In particular, I see the development of a sustainable and, above all, Bavaria-wide future strategy that takes into account the regional characteristics and priorities as an essential success factor. This is the only way we can overcome the challenges of structural change in the automotive sector together. And in a way that promotes employment, is participative and socially responsible."

Advisory board with expertise

The ten-member Transformation Advisory Board advises the five Bavarian transformation networks as an independent body. The ministries of the Free State of Bavaria are represented by the State Minister for Family, Labor and Social Affairs, Ulrike Scharf, and the State Minister for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, Hubert Aiwanger. Bertram Brossardt, Managing Director of the Bavarian Industry Association, and Horst Ott, District Director of IG Metall Bayern, are two high-profile social partners joining the advisory board. With the spokesman of the Automotive Cluster Thomas Regnet, Managing Director of Scherdel Innotec Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-GmbH, an expert in the industry has been recruited. Ralf Holtzwart, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bavarian Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency, contributes his extensive expertise on the Bavarian labor market. Four other members come from the regional transformation networks. For the Regensburg region, Prof. Dr. Georg Stephan Barfuß, Head of Economic Affairs and Science for the City of Regensburg, and Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld, Head of Economic Affairs for the Ingolstadt region, are members of the advisory board. The Mainfranken Metropolitan Region is represented by the Mayor of Schweinfurt, Sebastian Remelè, and the European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg is represented by the City of Nuremberg's Economic and Science Officer, Dr. Michael Fraas.

Interlocking activities

The five Bavarian transformation networks presented their Bavaria-wide cooperation in the form of interlinked projects. These include ongoing studies on the Bavarian vehicle and supplier industry, its employment structure and regional structures and development prospects. In addition, the networking of regional activities and the promotion of a sound transfer of knowledge. Investigations into the skills required in the future and initial approaches for corresponding qualification programs were also on the agenda. The Advisory Board endorsed the projects presented and assured the networks of its full support - particularly in the development and implementation of a Bavarian transformation strategy.

With increasing digitalization and the switch to climate-friendly drives, the framework conditions for the Bavarian automotive industry are changing, especially for small and medium-sized companies. The industry is already in the midst of a transformation with enormous challenges. The network is there to help. Together with four regional transformation networks, it not only wants to manage the transformation of the mobility industry, but also actively shape it. The aim is to accelerate the transformation process in the Bavarian vehicle industry and secure jobs and economic power in Bavaria through analysis, training opportunities, networking and knowledge transfer. combines the expertise of the social partners in a project in a unique way. The project partners are Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung GmbH, ffw GmbH Gesellschaft für Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung and Bayern Innovativ GmbH. The project was developed on the initiative of and in close cooperation with IG Metall and vbw - Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V. (Bavarian Industry Association).

Voices of those involved:

Ulrike Scharf, Minister of State, Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs:

"Bavaria is socially strong when it is economically strong! Our economy is undergoing a profound transformation. The Bavarian automotive industry in particular is changing. Innovative ideas, digitalization and qualification are making our working world and economy crisis-proof, future-proof, sustainable and socially acceptable! The transformation projects presented today are real pioneers for all industries!"

Prof. Dr. Georg Stephan Barfuß, Professional City Councillor, Consultant for Economy, Science and Finance of the City of Regensburg:

"Digitalization and e-mobility also pose enormous challenges for the automotive sector in the Regensburg economic region. Together with the companies at the location, we want to exploit the opportunities of the transformation through innovative and sustainable solutions. The transform.r project can be of great benefit here in order to understand and tackle the topic of green tech and sustainability in the automotive industry in close cooperation with other Bavarian project partners, locations and the state government."

Bertram Brossardt, bayme vbm vbw Managing Director:

"The transformation in the automotive industry is a core socio-political and industrial policy task. It affects almost all of us directly or indirectly. Our primary goal is to create paths for regional value creation, employment and innovation. This is precisely where comes in to support the transformation process in the Bavarian automotive industry with analyses, training opportunities and networking."

Dr. Michael Fraas, Economic and Scientific Officer of the City of Nuremberg and Managing Director of the Forum Economy and Infrastructure of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region:

"In the Nuremberg metropolitan region, with its more than 100,000 employees in the automotive sector, the transform_EMN project is providing important impetus for small and medium-sized companies. We want to secure value creation and employment locally. The coordinated exchange with the Bavarian transformation projects and the support of the transformation advisory board contribute to the success of this project."

Ralf Holtzwart, Federal Employment Agency, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bavarian Regional Directorate

"By establishing the Transformation Advisory Board, we want to expand and deepen cooperation between the labor market partners. We would also like to support the various clusters in recruiting personnel in close coordination with all partners, with transformation consulting. We very much welcome this approach, because only together can we succeed in supporting the Bavarian economy with appropriate offers," says Ralf Holtzwart, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bavarian Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency."

Horst Ott, IG Metall Bavaria, District Director

"The transformation networks are fundamental to the transformation of the automotive and supplier industry in Bavaria. I hope that the Transformation Advisory Board will provide impetus for a Bavarian transformation strategy. Transformation only works together with people. We can only secure locations and employment with comprehensive qualification concepts and co-determination by works councils and IG Metall. I am confident that vbm, IG Metall and the state government are pulling together in this project."

Thomas Regnet, SCHERDEL INNOTEC Forschungs- und Entwicklungs GmbH, Managing Director; Spokesperson for the Automotive Cluster

"For a successful transformation, we need strong cooperation networks - and more intensive collaboration with social and labor market partners as well as with the regions. The fact that this is being achieved in the transformation networks is a very good sign of Bavaria's dynamism and culture of innovation. The Automotive Cluster will continue to play a committed role in this in the future."

Sebastian Remelé, City of Schweinfurt, Lord Mayor

"As Lord Mayor of Schweinfurt, a sub-region that is particularly affected by the transformation, I welcome this initiative. The Mainfranken region is characterized by suppliers to the manufacturing industry. Politics and business must maintain a close dialog in order to be able to react to warning signals in good time. Especially in times of global uncertainty, we need to move closer together."

Prof. Dr. Georg Rosenfeld, City of Ingolstadt, Professional City Councillor, Economic Officer of the City of Ingolstadt

"Ingolstadt and the region are not facing change for the first time in history. I am convinced that, as a location for the automotive industry, we will successfully shape the transformation. Our joint transformation networks, which are also supported by the Bavarian state government, are a helpful tool in this regard."

Dr. Rainer Sessner, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Managing Director

"The transformation of the automotive industry is more dynamic and challenging than in the past. But it will only succeed if we accept it as a joint creative task. We at Bayern Innovativ are contributing to this with our decades of experience in transformation, knowledge transfer and accelerating innovation. And, of course, with our cross-industry and cross-technology networks."

Press contact:

R-Tech GmbH
Tanja Braun
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: 0941/604 889-13

Contakt transform.r:

Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Uwe Pfeil
Cluster Manager
Phone: 0941/604 889-55
