Transform-R Pressemitteilung (Transform-R) TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO

Reusing instead of wasting


12th Bavarian Innovation Congress focuses on "Circular Economy"

The Bavarian Transformation Networks were also exhibitors at the 12th Bavarian Innovation Congress. (from left:) Maria Hirschberger, Natalie Schwab (both Cluster Mobility & Logistics), Alexander Rupprecht (Managing Director R-Tech GmbH), Prof. Dr. Georg Stephan Barfuß (Economic Affairs Officer of the City of Regensburg), Uwe Pfeil (Cluster Manager Mobility & Logistics), Anja Birke (Bayern Innovativ), Gerald Heimann (Bayern Innovativ)

The "circular economy" is seen as the answer to the global waste problem and the general loss of resources. The transition to a more sustainable and resource-conserving economy is one of the most important trends of the 21st century and is increasingly gaining social awareness. At the 12th Bavarian Innovation Congress in the TechBase, it became clear once again that the circular economy involves more than just recycling.

The linear economic model is increasingly becoming obsolete and no company can do without dealing with value creation cycles. Numerous business models are already being implemented as part of the circular economy, one of which is the software solution from the start-up "numi.circular", which is designed to help companies take back their used products from customers. The founder of the young company from Munich, Andrea Schneller, is convinced: "In order to remain competitive, Europe must become a pioneer in the development of secondary resources."

In his keynote speech, Regensburg's head of economics, science and finance, Prof. Dr. Georg Stephan Barfuß, also advocated the economic recycling of resources. With e-mobility, artificial intelligence and life sciences, there are plenty of growth sectors in Regensburg, and it is now crucial to invest in them.

Krones AG also sees a number of approaches to improving the circular economy. The bottling equipment specialist is investing in innovative technology solutions, for example to improve the deposit and return system for PET bottles.

The Bavarian Innovation Congress takes place once a year in the TechBase and addresses current economic and social trends. Start-ups and companies from the TechBase network with the Cluster Mobility & Logistics and the Digital Start-up Initiative Upper Palatinate present their contributions in a specialist exhibition and individual specialist forums on how they are tackling the challenges of our time through the use of innovations and technological progress. This year, the "Transformation Networks Bavaria" project, which aims to maintain and strengthen the regional performance and added value of the individual regions, presented itself for the first time.

Press contact:
R-Tech GmbH
c/o TechBase
Tanja Braun                              
Phone: 0941/604 889-13
