TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO

Innovation exchange with politics


Secretary of State for Economic Affairs Gotthardt in conversation with founders

State Secretary for Economic Affairs Tobias Gotthardt was impressed by company founders from the region at a meeting at TechBase Regensburg. "Start-ups are the SMEs of tomorrow. They deliver innovative ideas and create jobs. I am delighted that the start-up landscape in the Upper Palatinate offers an ideal ecosystem thanks to centers such as TechBase Regensburg and networks such as the Digital Start-up Initiative Upper Palatinate (DGO) and the Mobility & Logistics Cluster," said Gotthardt.

Tobias Gotthardt emphasized once again that Bavaria has the ambition to be and remain THE start-up state. For this reason, politicians must also ensure that the bureaucratic hurdlesin the start-up process are kept as low as possible. He spoke from the hearts of the founders of 2Lock, Curiox and Ingenieurbüro Springs. Even if 2Lock can certainly confirm that founders receive great support in Bavaria. According to Curiox, there is still room for improvement in the number of subsidies after Exist; for Konstantin Springs, state support for founders in the area of expensive certifications would be desirable. 

"Supporting young start-ups is important to us. Particularly at the beginning, they need favorable conditions, individual advice and investors. They also need cross-industry networking with established companies. TechBase Regensburg offers all of this. Thanks to the support of private sponsors, we can make optimum use of the innovation potential here in the region," says Gotthardt. TechBase is an innovation and start-up center, which is managed by the city's R-Tech GmbH and is the docking point for the DGO in Regensburg. Other DGO locations are in Amberg and Weiden. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has provided a total of 6.5 million euros in funding for TechBase and DGO.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs is funding 19 digital start-up centers at 30 locations across Bavaria. Digital start-up centers are central contact points for start-ups in all regions of Bavaria. They are intended to create optimal conditions for founders to be able to use the possibilities of digital technology for new products, services and business ideas. 
