TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics DGO

Program for recruiting skilled workers


Mentoring partnership for foreign specialists

[Translate to Englisch:]

The "Integration through Qualification (IQ)" program is a mentoring partnership funded by the EU and the German government. It is aimed at academics from abroad with degrees, professional experience and language skills who are new to Germany.

In order to be successful on the German labor market, these skilled workers often lack the professional networks and knowledge of the local labor market. Trained foreign specialists are supported by mentors from the same professional field in their search for a suitable job. Skilled workers often find it difficult to select suitable job advertisements or to create an application portfolio that is standard in Germany. This is why they need the support of a mentor.

The program also offers added value for the mentors through intercultural training and the acquisition of additional skills. And it may even lead to a new colleague.

Start in Regensburg:

The start of the program in Regensburg is planned for the end of November 2023

Are you interested? Then please contact us to discuss further steps.

Andrea Bader und Anne Pawletta

Telefon: +49 821 907 99-706 oder -703


