TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

RECIPROCITY: Successful completion


Consortium addressed the challenges of urbanization and climate change

At the end of the EU project, all partners met once again at TechBase Regensburg.

The EU project RECIPROCITY - "Replication of innovative concepts for peri-urban, rural or inner-city mobility" was successfully concluded with a closing event in Regensburg. R-Tech GmbH and its Cluster Mobility & Logistics acted as lead partner in the Europe-wide project for sustainable mobility. A total of ten European partners took part in the project with a volume of 1.5 million euros.

The project partners set out in February 2021 to initiate innovative mobility solutions in at least 20 European cities and municipalities in order to overcome the challenges of urbanization, climate change and digitalization. After a good two years, this goal was even exceeded: In total, more than 60 cities and regions from 18 countries took advantage of RECIPROCITY's support.

In workshops and webinars as well as on-site events, the consortium supported the respective interest groups such as city administrations or mobility providers with tools, knowledge and contacts. Urban and rural regions were better connected and transformed into multimodal (at least two transport alternatives) hubs for smart and clean mobility.

"The project was an important milestone not only for us as R-Tech GmbH, but also for Regensburg as a location. We cooperated with major cities such as Paris, Helsinki and Istanbul," says Anne Häner, Project Manager at the Cluster Mobility & Logistics. Regensburg's Lord Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer praised the consortium's successes at a reception in the Old Town Hall and thanked them for their work.

The consortium consisted of 10 partners - clusters, research institutes and regional development institutions from all over Europe:

  • R-Tech GmbH (Germany) Lead Partner
  • European Regions Research and Innovation Network (Belgium)
  • Greenovate! Europe (Belgium)
  • Mov'eo (France)
  • ZONE Klaszter (Hungary)
  • Istanbul Okan University (Turkey)
  • Business Upper Austri - OO Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH (Austria)
  • Regionalni rozvojova agentura Plzenskeho kraje, o.p.s. (Czech Republic)
  • Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council (Uudenmaan liitto - Nylands Förbund) (Finland)

Press contact:

Tanja Braun
R-Tech GmbH
